Register to Volunteer
We have lots of opportunities to get involved, and as we prepare to open this year we are looking for people who would like to volunteer and make the Hub a reality.
Whether you would like to help us run the café, help run activities, donate your time to help with administration; we would love to hear from you.
See below for ideas of different roles...
Hub Hosts
These are general volunteers who will operate the café area, serving food, making drinks, operating the cash register and other equipment and making sure that the tables are cleared, cleaned and sanitised. Full training on the equipment and café procedures will be given. We would also like these volunteers to act as “Hub Hosts” - welcoming people into The Hub, making them feel comfortable, engaging them in conversation and making sure that no one is left alone. This is particularly important during the ‘Talking Tables’ times. Again, training will be given in this area.
We have a great space outside where we will be developing a garden which will be accessible for all. Volunteers will be needed to assist others as well as tend the area.
We will be arranging a walking group from The Hub and we will require volunteers to plan walks, lead and assist groups.
We hope to engage some of the community by arranging small craft sessions. These could include Painting, Sewing, Knitting, Card making. The volunteers would need to run small groups such as these on a regular basis. i.e. once a month.
We are looking for volunteers to assist us with simple administration and bookkeeping. General administration will involve maintaining the Volunteer Rota and the Hub Booking System.
We would also need a volunteer who can carry out a bookkeeping role for our income and expenditure. This individual will liaise with our Treasurer on a regular basis.
Community Connector
These volunteers will be trained as the Hub Hosts, but will receive further training to help them identify peoples’ needs and be able to signpost them to services that can help. We will be using the LiveWell web site to signpost so basic computer skills will be necessary. This role will particularly involve engaging with people at the café tables.
Are you a baker? These volunteers will hopefully bake cakes for sale in The Hub. Supplies will be needed on a regular basis and all baked items will need to carry a label of all ingredients. Bakers will be reimbursed for the ingredients.
We will be arranging game sessions such as Dominoes, Cribbage, Cards, Draughts, Chess etc during the café opening hours, so if you'd like to help at these, let us know.
Decorating and Trades
We would like to recruit some volunteers who can turn their hand to general maintenance. i.e. painting, plumbing etc, when required.
We will be running events throughout the year at the Hub in addition to the weekly timetable. If you'd like to help out on an adhoc basis let us know.
This is an area where we would like to have some volunteers to help people with Technology. This can range from the very simple through to using the Internet but aiming to give people a little more confidence in using technology. This may be on a one-to-one basis or in small group sessions.