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Children & Young People Safeguarding Policy


Our charitable activities include working with children and young people and as such this
document sets out what trustees, employees and volunteers of Kelsall Wellbeing Hub must
do when there are concerns that a child or young person is at risk or has been abused. The
charity is required to act to safeguard children and young people from abuse and neglect. This
document is in line with the legal framework set out in The Children Act 1989 and subsequent


Child or young person: Anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.
Adult at risk: A person aged 18 or above who is unable to look after their own wellbeing,
property, rights, or other interests, and is at risk of harm (either from another person’s
behaviour or their own behaviour) because they have a disability, mental disorder, illness, or
physical or mental infirmity. An adult at risk is more vulnerable to being harmed than other
Employees: Anyone employed by Kelsall Wellbeing Hub, including agency employees and
those on secondment or placement.
Volunteers: Anyone volunteering for Kelsall Wellbeing Hub, regardless of their role, including

For the purposes of this policy the following roles are led by:

  • Safeguarding Lead Trustee: Lorraine Hammond

  • Safeguarding Lead: Helen Ritchie


Cheshire West & Chester Referral Team Contact Numbers:

Integrated Access Referral Team

• Email (secure):
• Email (ordinary):
• Opening hours: 8.30am to 5pm from Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm Friday

• Telephone: 0300 123 7047



If you have an urgent concern outside these hours, or over a Bank Holiday, please call the
Emergency Duty Team (out of hours) on 01244 977277

Alternatively call Cheshire Police: 0845 458 0000/01244 350000 (999 in an emergency)



The charity will ensure that safeguarding is included, where appropriate, in the strategic
plans, risk assessments and communications. It will ensure that this policy is made available
to all trustees, employees, and volunteers and that they are trained and understand their
responsibilities and if or when abuse is suspected or disclosed, they are clear on what action
must be taken. The charity will ensure that all trustees, employees, volunteers, or any
associates who will be working with young people consent to an enhanced Disclosure Barring
Service (DBS) check. Trustees will approve the Safeguarding Policy and have a duty of care to
the charity, which includes taking the necessary steps to safeguard those at risk from abuse,
managing risk and protecting the reputation of the charity. The trustees are mindful of their
reporting obligations to the Charity Commission in respect of Serious Incident.
They are aware of the Charity Commission guidance on handling safeguarding allegations.


Our values & commitment to Safeguarding

Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states, ‘every child should be
protected from abuse’. Everyone at the charity has a responsibility to make sure that children
and young people are safeguarded and protected from abuse and neglect. The charity makes
sure that trustees, employees and volunteers are equipped to embed safeguarding within
their day-to-day practice and operations. They must read and understand the Safeguarding
policy and procedures and be aware of their safeguarding duties. They will also be supported
in this through training. Trustees will be trained in Level 2 Safeguarding and will attend a
refresher course every 2 years.


Associated Policies

Other policies and procedures related to safeguarding across the charity, which may also
apply in specific situations and may need to be considered, include:

• Disclosure and barring checks
• Induction procedure
• Health and Safety
• Whistleblowing Policy
• Complaints Policy
• Lone working policy

• ICT policy


Types of abuse


Abuse can take many forms, such as physical, psychological, or emotional, financial, sexual,
institutional or online


Types of physical abuse

• Assault, hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, hair-pulling, biting, pushing
• Rough handling
• Scalding and burning
• Physical punishments
• Inappropriate or unlawful use of restraint
• Making someone purposefully uncomfortable (e.g. opening a window and removing
• Involuntary isolation or confinement
• Misuse of medication (e.g. over-sedation)
• Forcible feeding or withholding food
• Unauthorised restraint, restricting movement (e.g. tying someone to a chair)


Types of psychological or emotional abuse

• Enforced social isolation – preventing someone accessing services, educational and social
opportunities and seeing friends
• Removing mobility or communication aids or intentionally leaving someone unattended
when they need assistance
• Preventing someone from meeting their religious and cultural needs
• Ghosting
• Gaslighting


Types of financial or material abuse

• Theft of money or possessions
• Fraud, scamming
• Preventing a person from accessing their own money, benefits, or assets
• Employees taking a loan from a person using the service
• Undue pressure, duress, threat, or undue influence put on the person in connection with
loans, wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions
• Arranging less care than is needed to save money to maximise inheritance
• Denying assistance to manage/monitor financial affairs
• Denying assistance to access benefits
• Misuse of personal allowance in a care home
• Misuse of benefits or direct payments in a family home

• Someone moving into a person’s home and living rent free without agreement or under
• False representation, using another person's bank account, cards, or documents
• Exploitation of a person’s money or assets, e.g. unauthorised use of a car
• Misuse of a power of attorney, deputy, appointeeship or other legal authority
• Rogue trading – e.g. unnecessary or overpriced property repairs and failure to carry out
agreed repairs or poor workmanship
• Preventing the expression of choice and opinion
• Failure to respect privacy
• Preventing stimulation, meaningful occupation, or activities
• Intimidation, coercion, harassment, use of threats, humiliation, bullying, swearing or verbal
• Addressing a person in a patronising or infantilising way
• Threats of harm or abandonment
• Cyber bullying


Types of sexual abuse

• Rape, attempted rape or sexual assault
• Inappropriate touch anywhere
• Non- consensual masturbation of either or both persons
• Non- consensual sexual penetration or attempted penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth
• Any sexual activity that the person lacks the capacity to consent to
• Inappropriate looking, sexual teasing or innuendo or sexual harassment
• Sexual photography or forced use of pornography or witnessing of sexual acts
• Indecent exposure

Types of neglect

• Failure to provide or allow access to food, shelter, clothing, heating, stimulation and activity,
personal or medical care
• Providing care in a way that the person dislikes
• Failure to administer medication as prescribed
• Refusal of access to visitors
• Not taking account of educational, social and recreational needs
• Ignoring or isolating the person
• Preventing the person from making their own decisions
• Preventing access to glasses, hearing aids, dentures, etc.
• Failure to ensure privacy and dignity
• Lack of self-care to an extent that it threatens personal health and safety
• Neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings
• Inability to avoid self-harm
• Failure to seek help or access services to meet health and social care needs
• Inability or unwillingness to manage one’s personal affairs


Types of organisational or institutional abuse

• Discouraging visits or the involvement of relatives or friends
• Run-down or overcrowded establishment
• Authoritarian management or rigid regimes
• Lack of leadership and supervision
• Insufficient staff or high turnover resulting in poor quality care
• Abusive and disrespectful attitudes towards people using the service
• Inappropriate use of restraints
• Lack of respect for dignity and privacy
• Failure to manage residents with abusive behaviour
• Not providing adequate food and drink, or assistance with eating
• Not offering choice or promoting independence
• Misuse of medication
• Failure to provide care with dentures, spectacles or hearing aids
• Not taking account of individuals’ cultural, religious or ethnic needs
• Failure to respond to abuse appropriately
• Interference with personal correspondence or communication
• Failure to respond to complaints


Types of online abuse

• Cyberbullying
• Emotional abuse
• Grooming
• Sexting
• Sexual abuse
• Sexual exploitation


Responding to the child or young person when abuse is alleged, or signs are seen or heard

If a trustee, employee, volunteer, or any associate who is working with the charity suspects
that a child or young person is at risk of harm or abuse, they should notify the Safeguarding
When responding to a disclosure of abuse from a child or young person, employees and
volunteers should:

• Listen carefully to what is said and allow the child or young person to talk at their own pace
• Be careful not to compromise potential evidence
• Stay calm and find an appropriate opportunity in the discussion to explain the likelihood
that information will need to be shared with other responsible people. Do not promise to
keep secrets

• Call the police if you believe the child or young person is at risk of immediate significant
• Only ask questions for clarification and do not ask leading questions (leading questions may
elicit answers, which could compromise evidence)
• Reassure the child or young person that they have done the right thing in telling you. Tell
them what you will do next and who you will inform
• As soon as possible after the discussions, make notes as a written record of what you have
heard or seen and complete Recording Form (Appendix 1). Discuss your concerns with the
Safeguarding Lead.


Some people with disabilities may find it difficult to express themselves verbally.
Communication difficulties may mean that it is hard for them to complain or be understood.
Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the signs of abuse from the symptoms of some
disabilities or conditions, in relation to the nature of an individual’s impairment. However,
where there are concerns about the safety of a person, record what has been observed and
as much information as is possible and discuss your concerns with the Safeguarding Lead.

Reporting Safeguarding Concerns (A Flow Chart is included in Appendix 1 detailing the
processes to follow regarding referrals).


Children, and young people being abused often don’t disclose what is happening to them,
and when they do it’s rarely directly to professionals. This could be due to lack of awareness
of services or could do with trust and a fear of losing control of a situation.
Best practice is to inform parents/carers of your concerns and next steps unless to do so may
put the child or yourself at risk.


Where the allegations involve a member of staff or volunteer this must be raised with the
Safeguarding Lead. Any concerns involving the inappropriate behaviour of a staff member or
volunteer towards a child or young person will be taken seriously and investigated. The
situation will be explained to the staff member (if deemed appropriate) who is at the centre
of the allegation, they may be asked to cease working on a temporary basis until the matter
is resolved formally, and after investigation this could lead to dismissal and further action
being taken against the member of staff. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
In all cases of an allegation, concern or disclosure of abuse inform Safeguarding Lead, Helen
Ritchie or in her absence Safeguarding Lead Trustee, Lorraine Hammond as soon as possible.


For the purposes of this policy the following roles are led by:
Safeguarding Lead Trustee: Lorraine Hammond
Safeguarding Lead: Helen Ritchie

This policy was written: September 2022
The policy will be reviewed next: September 2024

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