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Volunteer Policy



The charity seeks to involve volunteers to:

  • ensure our services meet the needs of our users

  • enhance their experience both personally and professionally

  • provide new skills and perspectives

  • maximise our users experiences of the charity’s services

  • increase our contact with the local community we serve


Our Mission


Helping people to live longer, healthier, happier lives 


Our Vision


To see Kelsall and its surrounding villages grow to be a strong, cohesive, resilient community and an outstanding place in which to:

  • Grow Up

  • Bring Up Children

  • Live happy and healthy lives

  • Grow old


Our values underpin everything that we do and drive our external and internal behaviour.  We will ensure that we deliver, innovate, respect, show compassion and give praise




This Volunteer Policy is underpinned by the following principles:

  • The charity will ensure that volunteers are welcomed and included into the organisation and that they understand why their involvement is significant to the charity’s work

  • The charity does not engage volunteers to replace paid staff

  • The charity expects that staff at all levels will work positively with volunteers and, where appropriate, will actively seek to involve them in their work. The charity will put processes in place to help all staff to do this and to understand the charity's expectations when working with volunteers.

  • The charity recognises that volunteers have varying needs, aspirations, and motivations, and will seek to understand these and support volunteers towards their personal goals

  • The charity is committed to providing the training and guidance volunteers need to carry out their roles effectively.


The Volunteer agreement will include:


 The charity will:

  • Introduce volunteers to how the organisation works and their role within it

  • Provide a general description of the Volunteer role

  • Complete a thorough induction process that will ensure volunteers feel confident to begin their role

  • Treat volunteers as valued and appreciated members of the charity team

  • Treat volunteers with respect and dignity

  • Listen to volunteers and take them seriously

  • Empower volunteers to say no or to negotiate tasks and responsibilities

  • Provide such training to volunteers as may be required in the opinion of the Hub Manager

  • Provide volunteers with a point of contact

  • Regularly hold discussions with volunteers and value their feedback

  • Keep volunteers informed about changes at the charity

  • Reimburse reasonable and pre-agreed travel costs in line with the Volunteer Expenses Policy

  • Provide a safe environment in which to carry out volunteering

  • Insure volunteers against injury that might be suffered or caused due to negligence

  • Apply our Equal Opportunities policy.

The Volunteer will be expected to:


  • Treat people with respect and dignity

  • Be reliable, punctual, and let the Hub Manager know when they are available to volunteer (or not, if applicable)

  • Follow all the charity’s policies and procedures, including but not limited to Volunteer Policy, Volunteer Expenses Policy, Medical Declaration Policy, Health and Safety Policy, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Policy, Equality and Diversity Policy, Complaints Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Confidentiality Policy and Social Media Policy. Copies of these will be provided at Induction

  • Be open and honest in their dealings with the charity

  • Approach staff, service users, other volunteers, and members of the public in a polite, friendly, and cooperative way

  • Perform their role and duties in a professional manner and to the best of their abilities

  • Let the Hub Manager know if the support they receive can be improved

All Volunteers are required to complete Safeguarding training and actively apply the principles to their volunteering role


Volunteer Recruitment


All prospective volunteers may be asked to attend an interview to find out what they would like to do, their skills, suitability and to establish how best their volunteering goals might be realised. 

Volunteers fall outside the definition of staff and as a result the same extensive range of recruitment checks which must be undertaken when recruiting paid staff do not need to be completed for volunteers. However, it is acknowledged that some checks may be relevant, and the charity undertakes to decide in a fair and transparent way, following agreed processes, which checks are required for each individual volunteer. The charity will ensure that these checks are proportionate to the volunteer role and do not create unnecessary barriers to volunteer engagement.


The extent of the checks the charity is required to undertake on a volunteer, or that it is permitted to undertake, depend on whether a particular volunteer will be carrying out ‘regulated activity’ for the charity. 


The definition of Regulated Activity is as follows:-


Regulated activity is work that a barred person must not do. It is defined in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (SVGA) which has been amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA).

To establish whether or not an individual is engaging in Regulated Activity with Children and Vulnerable Adults you have to take into consideration two factors;


1. The role – Unsupervised teaching, training, instruction, care or supervision of children or vulnerable adults.

2. The setting – If they are not performing one of the roles above, they may be carrying out an ancillary role within a specified setting. This includes positions such as a Cleaner in a School or Admin staff in a Nursery. Other specified settings include Children’s Detention Centres, Children’s Homes and Childcare Premises.


If they meet the criteria above, they will be eligible for an Enhanced DBS Check with a Child’s Barred List check if they:

  • Are performing this role more than 3 times in a 30-day period

  • Could have contact with children within the establishment

  • Work there for the purpose of the establishment

  • Are not employed on a temporary basis

  • Are not in a supervised volunteer role

In addition to the above assessment the charity will carry out the following checks on all volunteers:


  1. references if deemed necessary and proportionate to the role

  2. a DBS check for roles involving work alongside children and vulnerable adults

  3. an informal discussion prior to the start of a volunteering role or shift to establish the boundaries of the role to ensure there us a full understanding of the expectations on both sides


Where no DBS Checks have been carried out a volunteer will not be left unsupervised with children or vulnerable adults or be allowed to work in any Regulated Activity. 


Risk assessments will be carried out by the Hub Manager prior to any volunteer carrying out any role. The risk assessment will consider the type of volunteering planned and identify the checks deemed necessary. It is understood and accepted that volunteer roles may already be covered by existing risk assessments, including but not limited to office or event specific risk assessments.


Supervision of Volunteers


Whether a volunteer is supervised will be key in determining whether they are carrying out Regulated Activity. If a DBS check is required, the charity automatically asks all volunteers to subscribe to the DBS Update Service to cover for any breaks of service of more than three months. 


Within this definition there is some discretion for the charity to decide what amounts to appropriate supervision (considering the following factors):


  1. the ages of the children, including whether they differ widely

  2. the number of children that the individual is working with

  3. whether other individuals are helping to look after children

  4. the opportunity for contact with children presented by the work or volunteering

  5. how vulnerable the children and vulnerable adults are; and

  6. how many individuals will be supervised by the person carrying out the supervision


Volunteer role outlines


Each volunteer will be provided with an explanation of their role and in addition, where relevant they will agree to a written outline of the specific tasks that they will be undertaking. Neither of these documents is a contract; the charity has no intention of creating a binding contract with any volunteers. A copy of the Volunteer Handbook will also be made available to all volunteers to read and use as a point of reference.


Volunteer Expenses


All volunteers will be provided with a copy of the Volunteer Expenses policy which they should read, sign, and return to the Hub Manager.


Volunteer Induction and Training


All volunteers will receive an induction into the charity and their own role. Training will be provided as appropriate.  Where it is deemed applicable by the Hub Manager, volunteers will be entitled to receive additional training on the same basis as paid staff.


Volunteer Support and Wellbeing


The charity recognises the importance of volunteer wellbeing. All volunteers will have a named person as their main point of contact, this being the Hub Manager. They will be provided with regular opportunities to meet with the Hub Manager to feedback on progress, discuss future development and air any issues. Volunteers will also be made aware of additional support services when this is deemed appropriate by the Hub Manager. Should the Hub Manager believe that a volunteer needs additional support then this will be discussed with the Chair of the management committee to determine the appropriate level of support provided.  This may include but is not limited to signposting to external organisations.


The Volunteer’s voice


Volunteers are encouraged to express their views about matters concerning the charity and its work. The Hub Manager will have regular, ongoing individual contact with Volunteers. There is an open-door policy at the charity for volunteers who need to discuss any elements of their role. In addition, regular volunteer drop in and celebration events will be scheduled to facilitate open communication, develop social connections between volunteers and foster a supportive ethos.




All volunteers are covered by the charity’s insurance policy whilst they are on the premises or engaged in any tasks on the charity’s behalf.


Health and safety


Volunteers are covered by the charity’s Health and Safety Policy, a copy of which is in the Volunteer Handbook.

Equality and Diversity


The charity operates an Equality and Diversity Policy in respect of both paid staff and volunteers. A copy is in the Volunteer Handbook. Volunteers will be expected to understand and commit to our Equality and Diversity Policy.


Problem solving

We aim to identify and solve problems at the earliest possible stage. The charity operates a Complaints Policy in respect of both paid staff and volunteers. 




Volunteers will be bound by the same requirements for confidentiality as paid staff. The charity operates a Confidentiality Policy in respect of both paid staff and volunteers. A copy of the policy in included in the Volunteer Handbook.


Volunteers under the age of 18


The charity welcomes volunteers over the age of 14, however, in line with safeguarding processes, the charity understands that there will be additional considerations for volunteers under the age of 18 which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. This will include, but is not limited to, parental consent being sought.


This policy was written: June 2022


This Policy will be reviewed:  June 2024

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